Saturday, 22 October 2011

Beauty spot...

   Wah second in a day but had to share. Allotment + amazing urban graffiti-art = A wasteland space made wonderful.

This and many more. Look here...

Up the multicoloured staircase...

   Staircases are sometimes the forgotten feature in peoples homes, focus tending to be placed perhaps on more sociable areas. However this could be easily achieved with a quick lick of paint, the staircase could be spruced and spanked into deliciousness and you'll be forever perched on the bottom step with a cuppa and conversation.

Glossy gloryiousness.

 Hmmmm carpeted colour...
 Artist Jim Lambie giving it the stripey rainbow beans.

Architect Ab Rogers provided the world with this spirally colour fusion of stairway heaven. 

And from Wupperstal in German Land we have another artist Horst Glasker. The crazy coloured steps rise between the sandwiching of two overly dull buildings. The words on each step refer to the relations of humanity. This is nice. I like to read and bath in colour whilst I climb stairs. Well done Glasker.

Beauty Spot...

   I've decided to post up some regular jealousies of other peoples spectacular spaces so we can all look and be envious together, and possibly steal some ideas so we can do them ourselves...

Very pretty pretty, but love the haggard table and battered chairs, the glass bottles make simple center pieces and the flower adorned light drapes beautifully downwards. The strung flowers towards the back left also create a simple yet decorative division of space.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Wvandarful Wverkings...

   Tim Green at is making some rather lavly pleasentries for the eye ballings. Photoey illustrationy design collages of landscapes and objects and kaleidoscopic shapes. YUM. He also has a shoppe, so you can pucrchase and own these things in your very own dwelling. Yay.

I see you...

   Mr business man with your heavy eyes, I do secret scribble of your slack jawed snooze....

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Textile Work...

   Uni, second year, textiles, fabric, stitch, patterns, flowers and figure.

Monday, 10 October 2011


That is all. 

Fan dabby dosie...

   So a brief frequent at my local watering hole yesterday, I happened to glance at one of the weekend supplements and within its cheaply glossed pages lay this series of rather pretty autumnal fashion spreads.

The aloof model carries off fluffy bag lady chic with the graceful air of a falling leaf. 
Mismatched prints, pleats and soft knits amongst warming colours of dark purples and reds with highlights of yellow and orange.

So which newspaper pray tell did this styling come from, by gum it was... The Sun. Really? Really Really? Cross my heart I swear by a tabloid. Gah! AND because The Sun is well The Sun I kid you not the majority of the pieces come in at 50 quid or under!

AND the styling and interiors are beaaayootifully done, I adore the rug in the first image along with the flowers and wallpaper in the second.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

The Balloon Hat Experince...

   This is such a beautiful project in so many ways, working with the notion that laughter is a universal language, balloon hat extraordinaire Addi and photography whiz Charles Ercket traveled the world capturing the faces of people from all corners of the globe. Sharing the joys of the wonderfully sculpted, yet ridiculous balloon hats in stunning scenery.  



A lady called jody...

   So yeah found a Charles Eames lookalike, whipped up some handmade denim chevron pattrened fabric, re upholstered it and voila! Well done Jody I doff my cap to ye.

And denim... whoever knew. Find all the knows and hows here

I want one...

   Sea Pelt by Vik Prjondottir.

Buy it for me now.
Its only about 300 quid.

Andrea Pippins...

   Ms Pippins creates a delightful array of graphic and illustration work, I particularly like her colourful pattern designs and bon bon logo, lavaly jubly website and neat blog thrown in too.

Friday, 7 October 2011

The Sketchbook Project....

   So I stumbled across this on one of my regular internet meanderings and decided to enter. I like making sketchbooks and sticking stuff to other things and cuttings bits and gluing them down again so why not AND my book will get to travel around the world, Hazaa! it was only $23 or there abouts. They send you a sketchbook and you pick a category to get you started.

I opted for the mysterious "choose a random theme for me" from an otherwise eclectic list of words ("in fifty years", "life underground", "Sandwich" etc)  and received "fold and stitch" which I'm pretty happy with, sign up by the 31st October and post back finished work by end of January 2012, I'll keep posting the progress!

Some of last years books...

Pages II...

   A summer project from uni 2/3 years ago, birds and origami cranes fluttered around my head space for a quite a few weeks. I still and probably will always have a slight infactuation with birds.


   Anahata Katkin is just one of those people I wish I could be like, she makes beautiful artwork and has forged her practice into a brand, Papaya! her unique style and creativity has been applied to a whole host of goodies for your desk, home and lifestyle, check it out.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Schiele my sweet....

   Egon Schiele, my sweet, my darling. I know you where an all encompassing narscisist, who grew up with a poor railway family. Endured a crazed syphillis enduced Papa and a sister you grew far to close for comfort too. Not forgetting the hordes of pre pubecent children whom you ussed to take a sneaky peek at their private frills and frocks, whilst they soundlessly
slumbered beneath your rickety studio roof....

but oh my I still love your drawings.



   A selection of sketchbook pages from first year, yes, more boobies...


   So here we go, my first post accompanied by my first finished works from my first year of uni at Kingston. Straight into conventional painting and sculpture as of yet not fully understanding the wideness and broadness the label "fine art" falls across. Focusing on the female nude (yes more cliche!) and the extremities of the form (fat and skinny).