So a brief frequent at my local watering hole yesterday, I happened to glance at one of the weekend supplements and within its cheaply glossed pages lay this series of rather pretty autumnal fashion spreads.
The aloof model carries off fluffy bag lady chic with the graceful air of a falling leaf.
Mismatched prints, pleats and soft knits amongst warming colours of dark purples and reds with highlights of yellow and orange.
So which newspaper pray tell did this styling come from, by gum it was... The Sun. Really? Really Really? Cross my heart I swear by a tabloid. Gah! AND because The Sun is well The Sun I kid you not the majority of the pieces come in at 50 quid or under!
AND the styling and interiors are beaaayootifully done, I adore the rug in the first image along with the flowers and wallpaper in the second.